Lehae > Lihlahisoa > Bolts & Studs > U-Bolts > Leqhoa la tšepe bakeng sa Nomial Diameter 20 ho isa ho 500 Tubes
Leqhoa la tšepe bakeng sa Nomial Diameter 20 ho isa ho 500 Tubes
  • Leqhoa la tšepe bakeng sa Nomial Diameter 20 ho isa ho 500 TubesLeqhoa la tšepe bakeng sa Nomial Diameter 20 ho isa ho 500 Tubes
  • Leqhoa la tšepe bakeng sa Nomial Diameter 20 ho isa ho 500 TubesLeqhoa la tšepe bakeng sa Nomial Diameter 20 ho isa ho 500 Tubes
  • Leqhoa la tšepe bakeng sa Nomial Diameter 20 ho isa ho 500 TubesLeqhoa la tšepe bakeng sa Nomial Diameter 20 ho isa ho 500 Tubes
  • Leqhoa la tšepe bakeng sa Nomial Diameter 20 ho isa ho 500 TubesLeqhoa la tšepe bakeng sa Nomial Diameter 20 ho isa ho 500 Tubes

Leqhoa la tšepe bakeng sa Nomial Diameter 20 ho isa ho 500 Tubes

Li-tubes tse sireletsehileng ka boiketlo ho sebelisa Steel Strap bakeng sa Nominal Diameter 20 ho 500 Tubes DIN 3570 - 1968. E hahiloe ho latela litekanyetso tsa indasteri, lesela lena la tšepe le fana ka ts'ebetso e ka tšeptjoang bakeng sa mefuta e sa tšoaneng ea likopo. Ebang ke mererong ea liphaephe tsa indasteri kapa ea kaho, tšepa ho tšoarella le ts'ebetsong ea likhoele tsa tšepe tsa DIN 3570 - 1968 bakeng sa litlhoko tsa hau.

Mohlala:DIN 3570

Romela Lipatlisiso

Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa

Leqhoa la tšepe bakeng sa Li-tubes tse 20 ho isa ho tse 500:Leqhoa la tšepe bakeng sa Nominal Diameter 20 ho isa ho 500 Tubes DIN 3570 - 1968 ke karolo e khethehileng ea ho tiisa e etselitsoeng ho boloka li-tubes tse nang le bophara ba mabitso ho tloha ho 20 ho isa ho 500, tse sebelisoang hangata lits'ebetsong tsa lipeipi tsa indasteri le tsa kaho.

DIN 3570 - 1968 E tloaelehileng:Leqhoele lena la tšepe le lumellana le maemo a DIN 3570 - 1968, ho netefatsa ts'ebetso e tšepahalang le e tsamaellanang le li-diameter tse fapaneng tsa tube.

Tšebeliso e fapaneng:E loketse lits'ebetso tsa liphaephe tsa indasteri le tsa kaho moo ho hlokahalang ho boloka li-tubes tse nang le bophara ba mabitso ho tloha ho 20 ho isa ho 500.

Kaho e Ts'oarellang:E entsoe ka tšepe ea boleng bo phahameng, lesela lena le fana ka ts'ehetso e matla le ho netefatsa ts'ebetso ea nako e telele libakeng tse hlokang.

Nominal Diameter
30 38 46 52 64 82 94 120 148
d1 boholo ba tube Metric
d1 Intshi
ka 100 diyuniti ≈ kg Mofuta oa A
Mofuta oa B
25 ~ 26,9 30 ~ 33.7 38-42.4 44.5 ~ 48.3 57~60.3 76.1 88.9 108~114.3 133 ~ 139.7
20 25 32 40 50 65 80 100 125
3/4" 1" 1 1/4" 1 1/2" 2" 2 1/2" 3" 4" -
40 40 50 50 50 50 50 60 60
10 10 10 10 12 12 12 16 16
M10 M10 M10 M10 M12 M12 M12 M16 M16
70 76 86 92 109 125 138 - -
28 31 37 40 49 57 66 171 191
40 48 56 62 76 94 106 136 164
9.4 10.5 12 12.9 22.2 25.9 28.8 64 72.7
6.8 7.7 9 9.7 16.8 19.8 22.4 - -
Nominal Diameter
176 202 228 282 332 378 428 530
d1 boholo ba tube Metric
d1 Intshi
ka 100 diyuniti ≈ kg Mofuta oa A
Mofuta oa B
159~168.3 (191) ~ 193.7 216~219.1 267-273 318~323.9 355.6~368 406.4~419 508~521
150 (175) 200 250 300 350 400 500
- - - - - - - -
60 60 70 70 70 70 70 70
16 16 20 20 20 24 24 24
M16 M16 M20 M20 M20 M24 M24 M24
- - - - - - - -
217 249 283 334 385 435 487 589
192 218 248 302 352 402 452 554
83.4 95.8 169.8 202.8 235 382 429 522
- - - - - - - -
①, L le b ke litekanyo tse tlase 'me li sebetsa ho botenya ba 10 mm.
②, Boitsebiso:
a) bakeng sa masakaneng a chitja: Ust 37-1 ho latela DIN 17100 .Semi-finished product round steel ho latela DIN 1013
b) bakeng sa linate: sehlopha sa matla sa 5 ho latela DIN 267 leqephe la 4

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Romela Lipatlisiso

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