Step Bolts, (Inch Series)
  • Step Bolts, (Inch Series)Step Bolts, (Inch Series)
  • Step Bolts, (Inch Series)Step Bolts, (Inch Series)
  • Step Bolts, (Inch Series)Step Bolts, (Inch Series)
  • Step Bolts, (Inch Series)Step Bolts, (Inch Series)

Step Bolts, (Inch Series)

Khetha liboutu bakeng sa ho tiisa ka mokhoa o ts'epahalang le o bolokehileng lits'ebetsong tse hlokang ho tiisa butle butle le ho hanyetsa ho thella. Ka moralo oa bona o feto-fetohang le likhetho tseo u ka li khethang, liboutu tsena li fana ka tharollo e sebetsang bakeng sa merero e mengata e fapaneng ea indasteri le meaho.

Mohlala:ANSI ASME B 18.5

Romela Lipatlisiso

Tlhaloso ea Sehlahisoa


Moralo o ntlafalitsoeng oa Tread:Li-bolts, e leng karolo ea letoto la li-inch, li na le moralo o ikhethang oa ho hatakela o khetholloang ka bophahamo bo fapaneng kapa bophara bo haufi le shaft. Moqapi ona o thusa ho tiisa butle-butle, ho fokotsa kotsi ea ho ts'oara le ho senya sebaka sa ho nyalana ha ho ntse ho tiisa khokahanyo e sireletsehileng le e tsitsitseng.

Tšireletseho e Matlafalitsoeng:Boemo ba liboutu tsena bo fana ka ho ts'oara le ho ts'oara hantle, ho etsa hore li tšoanelehe bakeng sa lits'ebetso moo ho hanyetsanang ha ho thella ho leng bohlokoa, joalo ka litepisi, lirampi le litepisi tsa lere. Mehato e ntseng e eketseha e fa basebedisi sebaka se tsitsitseng, se matlafatsang tšireletseho maemong a ka hare le a ka ntle.

Lisebelisoa tse fapaneng:Li-bolts tsa mehato li fumana lits'ebetso tse fapaneng ho pholletsa le liindasteri, ho kenyeletsoa kaho, lipalangoang le lits'ebeletso. Ho tloha ho fumana libaka tsa phihlello lipalong tsa ts'ebeliso ho isa ho ho fana ka tsela e bolokehileng holim'a li-platform tse phahameng, liboutu tsena li fana ka tharollo e tšepahalang ea ho tiisa meaho le lisebelisoa tse fapaneng.

Khetho ea Lintho:E fumaneha ka mefuta e mengata ea lisebelisoa, ho kenyelletsa le tšepe ea carbon, tšepe e sa hloekang, le li-alloys tse se nang ferrous, li-bolts tsa mehato li ka etsoa ho finyella litlhoko tse khethehileng tsa tikoloho le ts'ebetso. Lintlha tsa khetho ea thepa li kenyelletsa ho hanyetsa kutu, matla, le ho lumellana le likarolo tsa ho nyalana.

Likhetho tsa ho Itloaetsa:Li-bolts tsa mohato li ka etsoa ka mokhoa o ikhethileng ka likarolo tse kang li-anti-corrosion coatings, mekhoa ea ho notlela likhoele, kapa li-finishi tse khethehileng ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea tsona le bophelo bo bolelele maemong a itseng a ts'ebetso. Ho itloaetsa ho netefatsa hore liboutu li fihlela litlhoko tse ikhethang tsa ts'ebeliso e 'ngoe le e' ngoe ka katleho.

Ho Ikamahanya le Maemo:Ho kopana le litekanyetso tsa indasteri tse kang ASTM le ANSI li netefatsa boleng le ho tšepahala ha li-bolts tsa mehato. Ho lumellana le litekanyetso tsena ho fana ka tiisetso ea ts'ebetso le ho lumellana, ho etsa hore e be khetho e tšepahalang bakeng sa merero ea bohlokoa ea litšebeletso tsa motheo le ea kaho.

Kemiso le Tlhokomelo:Ho kenya ts'ebetso e nepahetseng le tlhokomelo ea nako le nako ho bohlokoa bakeng sa ho eketsa ts'ebetso le nako ea bophelo ea li-bolts tsa mehato. Ho latela lintlha tse khothaletsoang tsa torque le linako tsa tlhahlobo ho thusa ho netefatsa boits'oaro bo nepahetseng le ho thibela ho hloleha pele ho nako.

Boholo ba Khoele
10# 1/4 5/16 3/8 7/16 1/2
ds max
dk max
k max
s max
k1 max
0.1900 0.2500 0.3125 0.3750 0.4375 0.5000
24 20 18 16 14 13
0.199 0.260 0.324 0.388 0.452 0.515
0.182 0.237 0.298 0.360 0.421 0.483
0.656 0.844 1.031 1.219 1.406 1.594
0.625 0.813 1.000 1.188 1.375 1.563
0.114 0.145 0.176 0.208 0.239 0.270
0.094 0.125 0.156 0.188 0.219 0.250
0.199 0.260 0.324 0.388 0.452 0.515
0.185 0.245 0.307 0.368 0.431 0.492
0.125 0.156 0.187 0.219 0.250 0.281
0.094 0.125 0.156 0.188 0.219 0.250
①,Bonyane Bolelele ba Khoele:
Bolelele bo fokolang ba khoele bo tla lekana habeli bophara ba bolt ea motheo mmoho le 0.25 in. bakeng sa bolelele ba bolt ba 6 in. kapa bokhuts'oane, le habeli bophara ba bolt ea mantlha mmoho le 0.50 in. bakeng sa bolelele bo bolelele ba lebitso.
Liboutu tsa bolelele bo bokhutšoane haholo hore li ka amohela bolelele ba likhoele li tla khoasoa ka bolelele bo felletseng. Bolelele ho tloha hloohong kapa molala ho ea ho khoele ea pele e feletseng (e feletseng) e ke ke ea feta bolelele ba likhoele tse 2-1 / 2 bakeng sa boholo ho fihlela le ho kenyelletsa 1 in., le likhoele tse 3-1 / 2 bakeng sa boholo bo fetang 1 ho .

Hot Tags: Mohato oa Bolts, (Inch Series), China, Baetsi, Bafani, Feme, Morekisi, E etselitsoe, Boleng

Sehlopha se Amanang

Romela Lipatlisiso

Ka kopo Ikutloe u lokolohile ho fana ka potso ea hau ka foromo e ka tlase. Re tla u araba ka mor'a lihora tse 24.
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